Sand Wash Basin is a Multi -Use area that includes use by dirt-bikes, ATV, hunters, the wild horses and, yes, even sheep.
The sheep in the Basin are there because the ranchers have grazing rights or allotments, in the Basin. The Sheepherders have developed many of the ponds that we see when we visit the Basin. The grazing permit owners also manage many of the ponds.
We believe that by working with the permit holders, and learning more about the rotations systems used by them on their private land, we can implement some of those practices in the Basin to help reduce over grazing in certain areas, and encourage the Wild Horses to use areas that have more feed.
This means that by educating ourselves and passing on that information, we will understand and respect fencing put up around a pond, help to fix ponds that now have blown-out sides to help with the rotation. By working with the BLM and the permit owners we can find a way to improve our working relationships and the health of the range in Sand Wash Basin.
There are many people and organizations working together to find a solution to the ongoing conflict between the allotment owners and the Wild Horse followers. This is a long process and may take many years.
Land Rights Solutions LLC, Specializing in State and Federal Land Exchanges, Conservation Easements and Management Issues Associated with the Federal Allotments and State Leases, is actively working to move this forward. In the meantime we have to strive to improve what is in place now.