Summary of Wild Horse Warriors
2022 Projects Completed
Prepared by Cindy Wright
For the BLM
In early May of 2022, it became apparent that that there was some repair work needed at both Ash Pond and at SheepPen Pond. Both ponds had areas where their dams had been weakened or were leaking. We also discovered that the support pole holding the new solar panels at Lake Draw had fallen. Fortunately the new solar panels were not damaged.
On May 13, 2022 Cal Camblin was able to add rock around the outlet culvert at Ash pond and around the intake area.
On May 12, 2022 Cal Camblin did some repair work to the dam structure on SheepPen. We discussed that the work he did should repair the leak, but that more work would be needed to be done to stabilize the entire dam. It appears that the natural wash that the dam was built one may not have had adequate base layer work done. Instead of taking out the whole section and rebuilding it, Cal believes an easier and better solution would be to remove several feet of the low edge of the dam and laying down a poly liner then replacing the soil. We hope to do that in 2023. The pond will have need to be very dry for this work to be done.
On July 25 and 26th WHW with our volunteers worked with the BLM to make the repairs needed at Lake Draw. WHW cleaned the 5 water tanks and coated them with a rust preventative. Cal Camblin took the solar panels off the support pole and stood the pole back up using bagged concrete to prevent the pole from failing again. Then the solar panels were replaced. The LSFO helped us level the tanks and added rock under them for better support.
While WHW was working at Lake Draw Cal Camblin was making the repairs at CoffeePot. Several years ago the wild horses had destroyed the spring house. Cal created a new springbox, replaced the piping as needed so the water would again feed into the tire.
This is suppose to be phase one of three phases. The last phase will bring the water to the top of the box canyon making a safer place for the wildlife.
Repairs to CoffeePot were paid for by WHW $6400.00
The costs of the Rust Resistant Coating $100.00
The combined cost of the repairs to Ash Pond and SheepPen Pond $4118.00
Total in repair expenses $10,618.00