As each of us travel the Basin we see fences that are down, trash that was left behind, water holes that have sides washed out, or have filled up with mud, or rabbit bush that has grown up impeding access to the solar panels or the closing of a gate. We see gates that are in need of repairs or left open. In the spring it is the damage that the runoff has caused to the roads.
This page is a place where you can post what you have found, and what you did to repair it to the best of your ability, or what it might take to repair it.
If you plan on doing any repairs, supplies can be picked up at the BLM office in Craig. You will need to call ahead and let them know what you would like to pick up. You can borrow fence stretchers and fencing tools. They will supply all wire, fencing staples, T-poles, the wire connectors for T-poles, and any wooden posts needed.
You may also report and damages to the Little Snake River BLM office in Craig, 970 826-5000. Hunter is in charge of the “land” in the basin and he will be the person that would send someone out to fix fencing, or damage to water sources.
Road damage can also be reported to the BLM, but Moffat County Road Department, 970 824-3211, is responsible for the county roads in the basin. Those roads would be the main roads, 75, 67, 126, 80, 66N, 48, 46 and 52. Most of the two tracks are BLM trails and they seldom qualify for repairs. This is a primitive area and roads are not their main focus for Sand Wash Basin. The county normally grades the roads once a year in late spring and will make some repairs then.