The stallions are listed by color. The color of a horse can be debated by different people visiting the Basin. There is also some difference in color based on where you are from. In some areas chestnut and sorrel are the same color, and in the riding world sorrel is Western and chestnut is English. Right or wrong I was taught that copper penny color was sorrel and the darker red colors were chestnut, while the really dark reds almost browns were liver chestnut. Genetically, sorrel and chestnut are the same color.
We have included a description of what the "standards" are for assigning a color. Even with this information we need to remember that we each see color differently and may believe the horse is a different color than what we have listed.
We also need to understand that a foal is born one color and will generally change color within the first year or two. Gray horses are never born gray. They lighten, or turn gray with age and not all gray out in the same length of time.
Within each color group there are also sub-groups. We will not list the sub-group of the different colors. Any color of horse may have white face markings and white on the legs.
Genetic makeup is the only true definer of color and with wild horses that is not possible. So we do the best we can.
All photos were taken by WHW. We do not have great photos of each of the horses in Sand Wash Basin, we will post the best we have and update with better photos when available.
This page will always be a work in progress as the wild horses of Sand Wash Basin change.
A bay horse is redish in color with black points. Those black points are the tips of the ears, the mane , tail and black on the lower legs The black points be not develop until later in the horses life.
A black horse that has no red or brown hairs in his coat, mane or tail.. Sometimes a black will fade and then revert back to black.
A brown horse that has no black. The body color can be the same as a bay without black points. If a horse looks black part of the time and brown part of the time it is a brown horse.
A buckskin is a golden color with black points. The base color for a buckskin is bay and with a palomino the base color is red
A chestnut horse will have no black pigmentation and will not have a black mane or tail. The mane and tail can be very dark, but not black. They can even have a flaxen mane and tail.
A dun horse will have strips or primitive marking on their legs and a dark dorsal strip down their back.
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A liver chestnut horse is a very dark chestnut and will have no black pigmentation and will not have a black mane or tail. The mare and tail can be very dark, but not black. They can even have a flaxen mane and tail. .
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Tazhi is the 2019 son of Slate and Dolly. He has a crooked blaze, pink on his nose and a right hind sock and two hind socks. As he get older his color will probably change and we will move him to the correct color section.